8. Video Marketing
Video sites have quickly become some of the most highly
trafficked sites on the Internet, making them one of the
best places to generate lots of extra traffic.
And don't worry, your video doesn't have to be a Spielberg
classic. In fact, it can just be a PowerPoint presentation
with audio. Even simple videos can drive thousands of visitors
to your site.
Once you've created your video, you can then submit it to the
top video submission sites with a tool called TubeMogul.
Interviews are another great way to generate traffic.
When you interview a fellow blogger, they will almost always
publish a link to the interview on their blog. At the same time,
you are also sending traffic to their website by posting the
interview on your blog.
This can be a very effective technique for generating traffic
and meeting new bloggers. Unfortunately, most people are just
afraid to ask.