Greetings...each day I will add a new approach to achieve traffic
1. Article Marketing
One of the best ways to drive targeted traffíc to your website is
through the use of article marketing. This is one of the oldest
techniques for generating traffic, but it's still one of the best.
Once you have written your article, you can then submít it to some
of the top article directories like EzineArticles, GoArticles,
Buzzle, the American Chronicle, ArticlesBase, and SearchWarp.
For a listing of the top article directories online, go to...
You can also publish your website to Web 2.0 sites like Squidoo,
HubPages, Zimbio, and
For a complete listing of Web 2.0 sites, go to...
Web 2.0 Directory
Article marketing is even more powerful when you submit exclusive
articles to bloggers and owners of newsletters. This technique has
sent me thousands of visitors with a single article. The key is to
find the right distribution outlets.
Just imagine if you spend just one hour each day writing and
distributing one article. In three months you would have 100
articles all sending you traffic on a daily basis.
So get out there and start syndicating your articles, submitting
guests posts, and writing for online newsletters.